Request a quote
For a quote contact us directly by filling in the 'Request Form' with your dates and number of persons, or sending an email at and you will receive a prompt reply.
Net prices per night for 6 guests
01/05/2025 - 31/05/2025 400 €
01/06/2025 - 30/06/2025 550 €
01/07/2025 - 15/07/2025 650 €
16/07/2025 - 31/07/2025 750 €
01/08/2025 - 31/08/2024 800 €
01/09/2025 - 15/09/2025 650 €
16/09/2025 - 31/10/2025 400 €
- The above prices refer to a stay of 6 people, for the entire villa and its three bedrooms.
- Tax is 15 € per night.
- Base price is 300 € per night and refers to the off-season period, from November 1 to April 30, when the seasonal pool is not operating.
- Refundable security deposit (damage) of €500 collected upon arrival and returned upon check out.
- For 4 or less guests, using 1 or 2 bedrooms, there is a discount.